Sunday, July 27, 2008

Random Quotes

Starting with the egotist in me.

Mr. Mike Nagel:

"You're the glue that holds this group together. You talk to everyone and get them together. You're a good guy."


Dining in the smoke filled back room of a Uighur restaurant, a group of young and rowdy locals pound back beers in between laughter and clapping. After numerous clangs of glass and exchanges of good wishes, we buy these fine gentlemen and lady a round. Before we leave the most vocal of the group stands up and pronounces:

"You go. Before we sing a song."

We agree.

He begins:

"This land is your land, this land is my land..."

And the divide disappears.

1 comment:

ML said...

Bruce is posting WAY more stuff than you -- and better stuff, too.